Ill drivers license facility open on saturday in rantoul
Ill drivers license facility open on saturday in rantoul

ill drivers license facility open on saturday in rantoul ill drivers license facility open on saturday in rantoul

We've researched and gathered all the info you should need to learn how to avoid fight the federal vaccine mandate, receive a religious exemption for vaccines, and keep your job. We advocate for CHOICE through calls to action and support for legislation to restore religious exemptions and medical freedoms. " OUR VOICE IS CHOICE Our mission is to stand up to medical mandates and religious discrimination at school, work, and in life. It is time for We the People to stand in unison to end the unlawful tyranny that has harmed and affected all of humanity. By providing every county prosecutor in America with this evidence, We the People set off a coordinated, nation-wide criminal investigation into these crimes against humanity.If any county prosecutors fail to initiate a criminal investigation, We the People shall hold them criminally and civilly liable for their complacency of ignoring the mass genocide plaguing America and the world and we shall pursue their indemnity bonds. Addressing over-reach and crimes against humanity, the more individuals that stand together to fulfill this action, the better, as explained in video and here: video approx 10 min: " The proposed indictment that we are providing is the evidence necessary for your county prosecutor to file a mass tort claim in the name of We the People and expose the crimes against humanity.

Ill drivers license facility open on saturday in rantoul